brand image di palermo felicissima

Palazzo Bonocore presents:
Palermo Felicissima


The designation “felicissima” referred to Palermo is linked to the Belle Époque, a unique and unrepeatable period in which the city, according to the collective imaginary of the citizens, knew how to be at the forefront in the fields of culture, production and architecture, thanks to the incentive of an emerging and rampant bourgeoisie.

The undisputed protagonists of Palermo Felicissima are some upper-class families, and almost all of them had immigrated to the city during the past century, and among them undoubtedly stood out the Florios, the Scalias, the Ahrens and others.

Palermo Felicissima is an interactive and multi-media exhibition, born from the collaboration between Odd Agency  and CoopCulture  that joins advanced technologies and immersive installations to allow visitors to interact with a large archive of information, to discover places, people, events, architecture

uno dei primi modelli di bicicletta mai esistiti. elemento decorativo che fa parte della brand image della mostra Palermo Felicissima
pesce bitmap decorativo che fa parte della brand image della mostra Palermo Felicissima




Full ticket

Full ticket is for adults over the age of 26 years old.

You can buy your ticket online by clicking “Buy Now”, or in person at CoopCulture ticket offices in Palermo and Monreale.

€ 10,00



Reduced ticket

The reduced ticket costs 8,00 € and it’s for kids from 18-25 years old, affiliated offices and organizations, and groups of at least 10 people.

You can buy your ticket online by clicking “Buy Now”, or in person at CoopCulture’s ticket offices in Palermo and Monreale.

Reservation is mandatory for groups with at least 10 people. You can book your visit by calling Palazzo Bonocore at + 39 0917489995.

€ 8,00



Reduced ticket for schools and kids

The reduced ticket for schools costs 4,00 € and it’s for kids from 6-17 years old, primary and secondary schools.

You can buy your ticket online by clicking “Buy Now” or in person, at CoopCulture’s ticket offices of Palermo and Monreale.

Reservation is mandatory for school visits. You can book your visit by writing an email to or by calling Palazzo Bonocore, at + 39 0917489995.

€ 5,00



Free ticket

The ticket is free for children up to 5 years old, disabled people and their caregivers.

You can buy your ticket online by clicking “Buy Now”, or in person at CoopCulture’s ticket offices in Palermo and Monreale..

€ 0,00

Where to buy

You can purchase the tickets for the exhibition online, by clicking on the “Buy Tickets” button right at the top of the page, or in person, at:

  • Museo Archeologico Regionale “Antonino Salinas”, Piazza Olivella – Palermo
  • Castello della Zisa, Piazza Zisa – Palermo
  • Chiostro di Monreale, Piazza Guglielmo II – Monreale

Palermo Felicissima 


Palazzo Bonocore, Piazza Pretoria 2, 90134



From March 24 to April 3, 2025, the exhibition will be closed to the public for a restyling.

Palermo Felicissima


Palazzo Bonocore, Piazza  Pretoria, 90134 Palermo

Date e Orari

Dal martedi alla domenica Dal martedi alla domenica Dal martedi alla domenica Dal martedi alla domenica Dal martedi alla domenica 

Contact us
+39 0917489995

Get your ticket for Palermo Felicissima

A full ticket costs 10 €, 5 € until March 24th.
Reduced tickets for groups, schools, people under 25 years of age, affiliated offices and associations (not available until March 24th).
Free tickets for children up to 5 years old, for disabled people and their caregivers. 

Useful Informations

In this section, you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about the exhibition Palermo Felicissima.